Who We Are

PokehobbyAZ LLC is owned and operated by myself (Jason), with the loving support of my wife Cass. Located in Prescott, Arizona, PokehobbyAZ is currently an online (ecommerce) store that sells solely Pokemon products, more specifically Pokemon TCG (Trading Card Game) products. 

For a short while I worked as the Director at the local Boys & Girls Club. During my time at the Club, I was reminded of one of my childhood hobbies, which included collecting trading cards such as Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon. I will never forget the excitement my Club kiddos had when coming to the Club to show me their cards! Their joy was welcoming and their smiles were contagious. Excited with nostalgia, I too began buying packs again to collect and to play the TCG with my wife.

While buying packs from big name retailers (Walmart, Target, Gamestop) and the few local card shops, I realized quickly that this hobby was expensive! Knowing the interest in the community, I decided that I wanted to make a change. Thus, the thought of PokehobbyAZ came to mind; a business that would offer a variety of Pokémon TCG products to the community at a more affordable price. The hope is to inspire folks of all ages to continue to enjoy and invest in the hobby that they love!

Through much patience, investing and planning, PokehobbyAZ launched its online store on November, 11th 2022. Our hope is that we can match or beat the lowest prices on Pokémon products available. While maintaining the upmost customer service experience, we aim at serving the needs of our friends and guests in the Pokémon community. 

What’s next: we intend on adding content to our social accounts (YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram) which will include videos on product openings, live pack breaks, how to play the TCG, and general Pokémon TCG discussions. To give back to the community, I am hoping to obtain my Professor certification, which will enable me to host Play! Pokémon events in Prescott and the surrounding cities. 

Check out our products, and let us know if you have any questions or requests by emailing us at pokehobbyaz@gmail.com or by completing our inventory inquiry form Here! With your feedback and support, we can continue to better serve you and our community! We look forward to connecting with you soon! 

In health, 
